ST elevation acute inferior MI   (And reciprocal ST depression)

(Click for 12 leads ECG)

Infero lateral MI

(Case 4)

ST elevation in inferior leads is mild. The reciprocal ST depression in V1-V3 is more prominent. This may lead to a misdiagnosis of anterior ischemia or non Q wave MI (non ST elevation MI)


Inferior or Infero lateral MI

(Case 3)

Straight ST or mild coving ST (even with minimal ST elevation or without ST elevation) is also diagnostic for current of injury. Reciprocal ST depression in V1-V3 confirms the diagnosis of inferior MI. ....

Inferior MI


(Case 1)

ST elevation in inferior leads is mild. The ST segment is less concave. There is prolong QT interval. Reciprocal ST depression in I, aVL, V1-V3 confirms the diagnosis of inferior MI....

Inferior MI

(Case 2)

A more typical case of acute inferior MI with easily recognized ST elevation and hyper acute T wave in inferior leads and reciprocal ST depression in I, aVL, V1-V2.


Inferior MI with RV MI

(Case 5)

Right side chest leads should be done at the same time of initial ECG. It should be within 6 hours after the onset of chest pain. ST elevation in V3R and V4R of >1 mm support the diagnosis of RV MI with inferior MI.....

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