ST T abnormalities in acute ST elevation MI


Anterior MI

Inferior MI
Infero- lateral MI
High Lateral MI
Postero- lateral
True posterior MI (Isolated)
RV MI (Isolated)
ProximalLAD [may include (3) and (4)]
Distal LAD
Septal perforator
Circumflex (18%)
Cx 70%
ST elevationMost(V1-V2) V3-V6, I, aVL
(I. aVL with diagonal)
.V1-V2I, aVL II, III, aVFII, III, aVF, I, aVL, V5-V6II, III, aVF, V5-V6 with maximum in V5-V6I, aVL, V5-V6.V7-V9V1, V3R, V4R
Occa sionalV2..In precor dial leadsV5-V6.V2-V4.V5-V6.V5R, V6R
RareII......... V1-V5
NotV1........Inf leads .
Reciprocal change (ST depression)MostIII, aVF.II, III, aVF, V5-V6.I, aVL
 (60%) V1-V3, more prominent in V2-V3
Cx occlusion causes moreV1-V3 ST depressionI, aVL, V1-V4III, aVF .V1-V3 (T wave upright).
Occa sional II.....I, aVL, V1-V4V1V1-V3..
 Coexisting RV infarct with inferior MI should be suspected if there is reciprocal ST depression in V2-V3 but with ST elevation in V1.
Which may simulate anterior MI. Anterior MI ST elevation may be seen in V3R-V4R but rarely in V5R-V6R.

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