II III aVF I aVL V1 V2 V3 V6 Acute inferolateral MI ST elevation in II, III, aVF, V5, V6 with maximum in V5-V6. Reciprocal ST depression in V1-V4 (V1-V3 in this case). Note that inferior leads ST elevation is very small that the diagnosis of inferolateral MI may be missed. See ST T abnormalities in acute ST elevation MI table. Evolving infero-lateral MI. Less than one hour following emergency PCI/stent procedure. This ECG appears normal. The following day ECG was similar to this one. This suggests that early treatment for this patient resulting in no discernible myocardial damage. Patient. 56 year old male was in ER about a little more than half an hour of chest tightness discomfort radiating to his left shoulder. ECG showed acute ST elevation inferolateral MI. He underwent direct PCI/stent to the occlude proximal circumflex artery. Go to acute Inferior MI ST elevation variety
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