P wave variety 2 There are wide range in variation of sinus P wave since several factors may effect the P wave. These include: Anatomic cardiac position to the anterior chest wall; state of autonomic influence; intra and/or interatrial conduction abnormality; pressure and/or volume load; atrial/atria diseases; electrode positioning (precordial lead). I II III V1 V2 V6Probable IACD pattern with P wave duration >0.12 sec. P wave in V1 is borderline for Biatrial abnormality pattern. Patient. 10/1/02. 81 year old male admitted for recurrent atrial fibrillation and repeated cardioversion. He also has history of hypertension, DVT, TIA and hyperlipidemia. Left atrial size is 45 mm and pulmonary artery is slightly elevated. Left ventricular size and systolic function is normal. Probable IACD pattern with P wave duration >0.12 sec. Possible LA abnormality in lead II and not in V1. Patient. 10/6/02. 55 year old male was admitted with diagnosis of schizophrenia. She has no known cardiopulmonary conditions. No echocardiogram performed. Go to P wave variaty 1
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