Management of Acute Myocardial Infarction at St Cloud Hospital.
1998Data from National Registry of Myocardial Infarction 2 (NRMI 2)
- Covered memo
- Summery result
- Direct admission patients
- Primary PTCA
- Transfer-In
DATE: September 14, 1999
TO: Cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, elestrophysiologists, cardiology practice nurses, Bob Johnson, Tim Dalton, Phil Martin. Jim Gwost.
FROM: Pradub Sukhum, M.D, Susan Heying, RN.
RE: Acute Myocardial Infarction Management at SCH in 1998, a NRMI 3 Report.
This is the second consecutive full year report of acute myocardial infarction management at SCH. The 1998 report has more detail. It includes the results from "MN" (Minnesota) and "Nation" hospitals. Comparison is most appropriate with "Like Hospital" since data from MN and Nation Hospitals include all 16 hospital categories, with different service capability, size and patient population. St Cloud Hospital is classified in the category of >350 beds, with interventional and open heart surgery procedures.
A large number of hospitals in the United States participate in this National Registry of Myocardial Infarction (NRMI), generating a very large database. NRMI 1 started in the early 90's, then updated to NRMI 2, which ended on March 1998 in favor of NRMI 3 to follow the pattern of practice changing. The actual date in this report is from April 1, 1998 through March 31, 1999 to avoid mixing NRMI 2 and NRMI 3 data collection.
Each patient category has different results. Statistics from small sample items are likely invalid.
Please note the following:
1. Almost half of the acute myocardial infarction treated at SCH were "Transfer-In".
2. There was about 20-25% increase in SCH acute myocardial infarction patients from 1997 to 1998.
3. We performed well in:
Usage of medications and preventive medicine.
Outcome, minor/major complication.
Door to dilation (in primary PTCA category). Although it has increased from last year, 63 to 80 (median) minutes
Length of stay.
Mortility, particularly in the primary PTCA category.
4. We were behind in:
Less utilizing initial reperfusion therapy for "eligible" patients. (Need futher discussion)
Door to drug (in IV thrombolysis group). However there were only 4 patients all year, compare to 59 primary PTCA. On cases reviewed, these IV thrombolysis cases at SCH are somewhat unusual cases.
5. For "Direct Admission" group, we did less CABG, a little more noninvasive procedures (echocardiogram and stress test), more primary PTCA (in fact this is the initial reperfusion treatment of choice at SCH). We performed less total coronary angiographic related procedures.
Acute Myocardial Infarction Management at SCH in 1998(a), summery result.
(Result from NRMI 3)
SCH Like Hospital
(234 Centers)(b) MN
(>23 Centers)
(c) Nation
(1396 Centers)
(c)TOTAL PATIENTS 502 63282 5524 193583Direct Admission 266 53% 39922 63% 4038 150514Transfer-In 236 47% 23360 37% 1468 43069DIRECT ADMISSION 266 39922 . .Primary PTCA 59 22% . 15% . .IV Thrombolysis 4 2% . 12% . .Neither 203 76% . 73% . .TRANSFER-IN 236 23360 . .Primary PTCA (d) 12 5% 1440 6% . .IV Thrombolysis at 1st Hospital 93/79(e) . . . . .IV Thrombolysis at SCH 0 . . . . .(a) - NRMI 3 (4/1/98 - 3/31/99).
(b) - Like Hospital = >350 beds with Interventional, Open heart surgery.
(c) - Not all hospitals in MN or in Nation participated.
(d) - Data from 4/1/98 - 12/31/98.
(e) - First number represents total. The second number represents "eligible" patients.
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St Cloud Hospital Direct Admission, 1998.
(53%) Like Hospital
(39922)(63%) MN
(73%) Nation
(77%)DERMOGRAPHIC . Male 164 62% . 60% 59% 60%Female 102 38% . 40% 41% 40%Age (mean years) 69 . 68 . 70 69- Male 66 . 65 . 67 65- Female 75 . 73 . 75 73CLINICAL PRESENTATION .Sx to door (median minutes) 127 . 135 . 126 125Chest pain at presentation 172 65% . 64% 62% 65%ST elevation and/or LBBB on 1st 12-lead ECG 86 32% . 44% 37% 46%Eligible patients for reperfusion Rx (a) 68 26% . 24% 20% 23%MODE OF THERAPY .Rx eligible patients with reperfusion Rx 42/68 62% . 71% 73% 69%IV Thrombolysis (b) 4/266 2% . 12% 16% 19%- Door to drug (median minutes) 83 . 37 . 33 35Primary PTCA 59 22% . 15% . .- Door to dilatation (median minutes) 80 . 112 . 85 112No reperfusion Rx 203/266 76% . 73% . .MEDICATIONS RECEIVED WITHIN 24 HOURS .ASA 252 95% . 84% 86% 83%Beta blocker . 67% . 52% 56% 52%ACE inhibitor . 38% . 23% 28% 24%IIb/IIIa inhibitor . 19% . 14% 11% 8%Heparin . 62% (c) . 77% 78% 77%Calcium channel blocker (d) . 14% . 14% 17% 13%(a) - Patients with ST elevation >2 leads and/or LBBB on 1st 12 lead ECG, MI Sx onset <12 hours.
(b) - see statement on IV thrombolysis at SCH in the 1998 covered memo.
(c) - Patients undergoing primary PTCA who recieved GPIIbIIIa were not included.
(d) - Calcium channel blocker is not recommendedBack to top
St Cloud Hospital Direct Admission, 1998. (continue)
(53%) Like Hospital
(39922)(63%) MN
(73%) Nation
(77%)CLINICAL EVENTS . Free of adverse outcome 185 70% . 60% 59% 60%Recurrent MI . 2% . 2% 2% 2%Major bleeding . 0.8% . 3.5% 1.9% 2.3%Stroke . 0.4% . 1.5% 1.7% 1.1%IC hemorrhage . 0.0% . 0.3% 0.4% 0.2%Thromboembolic . 0.4% . 0.7% 0.7% 0.8%Length of stay (median days) 4.5 . 5.1 . 4.2 4.3Death 26 9.8% . 10.5% 9.6% 9.8%DISCHAGED MEDICINES/ THERAPIES .ASA . 92% . 80% 81% 77%Beta blocker . 75% . 62% 65% 59%ACE inhibitor . 64% . 40% 49% 41%Female HRT . 13% . 9% 12% 8%Lipid lowering agent . 51% . 33% 36% 28%Smoke cessation advice to smokers . 58% . 40% 44% 35%PROCEDURES PERFORMED PRIOR TO DISCHAGE .Total coronary angiography and all PTCA 202 76% . 80% . .Primary PTCA 59 22% . 15% . .Coronary angiography 95 36% . 42% . .PTCA without stent 5 2% . 5% . .PTCA with stent 43 16% . 18% . .CABG 16 6% . 12% . .IIb/IIIa inhibitor 23 9% . 5% . .IABP 12 5% . 6% . .Echocardiography 142 53% . 48% . .Stress test 38 14% . 9% . ..
Primary PTCA, 1998.
(59) Like Hospital
(6133) MN
(325) Nation
(12093)DERMOGRAPHIC . Male 43 73% . 69% 69% 70%Female 16 27% . 31% 31% 31%Age (mean years) 59 . 62 . 62 62- Male 56 . 60 . 60 60- Female 70 . 67 . 67 67CLINICAL PRESENTATION .Sx to door (median minutes) 85 . 107 . 95 105Chest pain at presentation . 90% . 86% 84% .ST elevation and/or LBBB on 1st 12-lead ECG . 71% . 76% 68% 76%INTERVENTION .Primary PTCA (All) 59/266 22% . 15% . .Primary PTCA w/o stent 8/59 14% . 22% 15% 23%Primary PTCA with stent 51/59 86% . 69% 76% 67%IV thrombolysis and primary PTCA 0 0% . 2% 3% 2%IC thrombolysis 0 0% . < i% 0% 0%Immediate CABG 0 0% . 6% 5% 5%Spontaneous reperfusion . . . 2% 1% 2%Door to dilation (median minutes) 80 . . 112 85 112- From 7 am to 3 pm (12) (a) 73 . . . . 104- From 3 pm to 11pm (12) (a) 88 . . . . 113- From 11 pm to 7 am (7) (a) 72 . . . . 128- Weekday (19) (a) 72 . . . . 106- weekend (12) (a) 102 . . . . 122
(a) - data from 4/1/98 to 12/31/98
Patients with no chest pain at presentation has longer door to dilatation time.
In parenthesis represents number of patients..
Primary PTCA, 1998. (continue)
(59) Like Hospital
(6133) MN
(325) Nation
(12093)MEDICATIONS RECEIVED WITHIN 24 HOURS .ASA 59 100% . 92% 95% 91%Beta blocker 50 85% . 56% 73% 55%ACE inhibitor 21 36% . 20% 34% 20%IIb/IIIa inhibitor 47 80% . 56% 66% 55%Heparin 48 81% (a) . 92% 92% 91%Calcium channel blocker 2 3% . 8% 16% 9%CLINICAL EVENTS .Free of adverse outcome 46 78% . 55% 55% 55%Recurrent MI 2 3.4% . 2% 2% 2%Major bleeding 2 3.4% . 4.6% 4.5% 4.3%Stroke . 0% . 1% 2.1% 0.9%IC hemorrhage . 0% . 0.2% 0.3% 0.1%Thromboembolic . 0% . 0.6% 0.6% o.5%Length of stay (median days) 3.8 . 4.1 . 4.1 4.0Death 1/59 1.7% . 5.6% 5.4% 5.6%DISCHARGED MEDICATIONS/ THERAPIES .ASA . 98% . 89% 94% 90%Beta blodker . 86% . 73% 83% 71%ACE inhibitor . 67% . 44% 57% 43%Female HRT (female only) . 27% . 11% 19% 12%Lipid lowering agent . 60% . 41% 54% 39%Smoke cessation advice to smokers . 68% . 46% 55% 43%(a) - The document were entered in the wrong area.
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Transfer-In, 1998.
(47%) Like Hospital
(37%) MN
Centers) Nation
Centers)THROMBOLYSIS AT 1st HOSPITAL . 85% . 87% 84% 86%Sx to 1st hospital door (median minutes) 120 . 90 . 88 901st hospital door to drug 50 . 39 . 35 401st hospital door to drut < 30 minutes . 27% . 29% 40% 28%INITIATED AT REGISTRY HOSPITAL 0 . . 1% 2% 2%1st hospital door to registry hospital door NA . 149 . 136 159Registry hospital door to drug NA . 55 . 17 50Sx to drug at registry hospital NA . 292 . 243 290LENGTH OF STAY AND CLINICAL EVENTS .Days at 1st hospital
(days - median/ mean) 0.5/ 0.9 . 0.6/ 1.3 . 0.7/ 1.3 0.5/ 1.3Days at registry hospital 4.6/ 5.6 . 4.2/ 5.8 . 4.0/ 5.9 4.1/ 5.6Total days at 1st and registry hospital 5.1/ 6.4 . 5.5/ 7.2 . 5.2/ 7.1 5.4/ 7.0Death at registry hospital . 7.6% . 6.5% 6.9% 6.3%Back to top
Transfer-In, 1998. (continue)
(47%) Like Hospital
(37%) MN
(80 Centers) Nation
(4856 Centers)MEDICATIONS RECEIVED WITHIN 24 HOURS . ASA . 96% . 84% 91% 83%Beta blocker . 71% . 54% 66% 54%ACE inhibitor . 38% . 19% 25% 19%IIb/IIIa inhibitor . 12% . 10% 13% 10%Heparin . 84% . 85% 90% 84%Calcium channel blocker . 8% . 10% 13% 10%DISCHARGED MEDICATIONS/ THERAPIES FROM REGISTRY HOSPITAL .ASA . 94% . 87% 89% 87%Beta blocker . 83% . 65% 72% 64%ACE inhibitor . 71% . 38% 46% 38%Female HRT (female only) . 13% . 10% 14% 11%Lipid lowering agent . 54% . 36% 45% 34%Smoke cessation advice to smokers . 44% . 42% 48% 40%PROCEDURES PERFORMED PRIOR TO DISCHARGE .Coronary angiography 176/236 75% . 54% 48% 53%PTCA without stent . 5% . 8% 7% 8%PTCA with stent . 42% . 37% 42% 35%CABG . 12% . 21% 14% 20%IIb/IIIa IV > 24 hours . 19% . 12% 15% 10%IABP . 8% . 8% 9% 7%Echocardiography . 46% . 29% 45% 30%Stress test . 14% . 6% 9% 7%