Systemic hypertension  
  - LVH, impaired myocardial relaxation, increase resistance to ventricular inflow, decreased ventricular diastolic capacity. - May have predominant LV diastolic function. - Adequate BP control.
- Prefer medicine that reduces LVH.
Coronary artery disease  


- Scar, fibrosis, ischemia, LV remodeling, aneurysm. - Usually has both LV systolic and diastolic dysfunction.

- Beta blocker.
- ACEI to decrease LV remodeling.
- Anti-ischemic treatment.
- Treat LV systolic dysfunction, if present.
- Revascularization, if suitable.

- Risk modification.

Acute ischemia

- Ischemia, impaired myocardial relaxation - Usually has both LV systolic and diastolic dysfunction. - Requires hospitalization.

Chronic, persistent ischemia

- Ischemia, hybernating myocardium, impaired relaxation. - Usually has both LV systolic and diastolic dysfunction. - As in S/P MI.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy .
  - LVH, impaired myocardial relaxation, increased resistance to ventricular inflow, decreased ventricular diastolic capacity. - May have predominant LV diastolic dysfunction. - Adequate BP control.
- Use negative inotropic drugs (beta blocker, verapamil, disopyramide).
- Dual chamber pacing.
- Septal infarct/myectomy.
Valvular heart disease .
Mitral stenosis - Increased resistance to left atrial emptying. . - Mitral replacement, repair or valvuloplasty.
Aortic insufficiency, Mitral regurgitation - Eccentric LVH, volume overload, increased diastolic volume relative to ventricular capacity. . - Afterload reduction.
- Valvular surgery before development of LV systolic dysfunction.
Aortic stenosis - LVH, impaired myocardial relaxation, increased resistance to ventricular inflow, decreased ventricular diastolic capacity. - May have predominant LV diastolic dysfunction until late stage. - Valvular replacement.
Constrictive pericarditis .
  - Increased resistance to ventricular inflow, decreased diastolic capacity. . - Diuretic.
- Pericardiectomy
Cardiac tamponade .
  -Decreased diastolic capacity. . - Pericardiocenthesis.
- Pericardial window.
Restrictive or infiltrative disease .
Myocardium (Amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, hemochromatosis) - Infiltration of abnormal material, increased resistance to ventricular inflow. - Start with LV diastilic dysfunction. - General treatment of LV diastolic dysfunction.
- May require specific treatment for specific disease.
Endocardium (Endocardial fibroelastosis, Loefler's syndrome) - Infiltration of abnormal material, increased resistance to ventricular inflow, decreased diastolic capacity. . - General treatment of LV diastolic dysfunction.
- Requires specific treatment for specific disease.